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Student life

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DevISSues is published twice a year by the International Institute of Social Studies, PO Box 29776, 2502 LT The Hague, The Netherlands
tel: +31 (0)70 4260 443 or 4260 419
email: devissues@iss.nl
Editor: Jane Pocock
Editorial Board: Lee Pegler, Sunil Tankha, Sandra Nijhof

Design: Ontwerpwerk, The Hague
Production: De Bink, Leiden
Circulation: 5,000

The text material from DevISSues may be reproduced or adapted without permission, provided it is not distributed for profit and is attributed to the original author or authors, DevISSues and the International Institute of Social Studies.

ISSN: 1566-4821
DevISSues is printed on FSC© certified paper.

Student life

Member for

2 years 1 month

Student life

Member for

2 years 1 month